Sadness is a natural feeling which, if unfelt, just stays in our array of unresolved trauma knots. As with other emotions, feel it and it will go away. Resist feeling it and it hangs around forever, periodically erupting inappropriately in our body's attempt to rid itself of associated trauma knots.
It has been most unfashionable to cry, most particularly in the 1950s and 1960s. Negative judgments were commonly made about those who did so in public. Politicians for many years avoided anything even remotely connected to tears. Today that seems to be changing. We all need to feel sadness and grief at times. If we are not to remain emotionally disabled, then we need to allow whatever sobs need to wrack us and whatever tears need to roll down our cheeks.
Emotionally healthy adults are comfortable saying the words I love you to men, women, and children in a feeling way.
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