My name is _________________________.
I’m ____________years old.
1. My hobby is _________________.
2. I want to be a/an _______________________.
3. I ’m a Good girl / Good boy.
4. What is your favorite TV show/cartoon/drama?
5. Do you like sweets?
A. Yes B. No
6. What is your favorite sweet?
A. Lollipop B. Ice cream C. Candy D. None
7. Have you ever helped your family members to bake cake or any kind of sweets before?
8. If yes, who do you helped?
A. Mother B. Aunty C. Sister
9. Do you want to join any sweet eating competition?
A. Yes B. No
10. Have you ever use the internet before?
A. Yes B. No
11. What first comes to your mind when you see sweets?
12. Do you feel happy when you see sweets?
A. Yes B. No
13. Who buys for you more sweet?
Teenagers (19-25 years old)
This survey is for my assignment. Thanks for your time.
Name: ____________________________
Age: _____________________________
Location: __________________________
1. What is your hobby?
2. What is your occupation? (Write down if you are a student.)
3. How often do you surf the internet?
A. Everyday B. two days once c. Once in a blue moon
4. What website do you go to the most?
5. Which website that attract you the most?
6. What kind font of size you prefer the most?
A. Big B. Medium c. Small
7. What kind of button you would prefer?
A. Icon only B. Words only C. Icon and Words D. anything also can
8. What do you think about the current lifestyle?
9. What is your first thought when heard about sweet?
10. What do you think about love?
11. Are you in a relationship?
12. How we can connect love with sweet?
13. Do you think love + sweet give happy?
Adults (40-50 years old)
This survey is assignment. Thanks for time
Name: ___________________________________
Age: _____________________________________
Location: _________________________________
1. What is your hobby?
2. What is your occupation?
3. Are you married?
4. How many kids do you have?
5. How often do you surf the internet?
A. Everyday B. two days once c. Once in a blue moon
6. What is the main purpose of you surfing the internet?
7. Which website do you go to the most?
8. What kind of button you would prefer?
A. Icon only B. Words only C. Icon and Words D. anything is fine
9. What kind font size you prefer most?
A. Big B. Medium c. Small
10. What color do you prefer for website design?
12. What do you think about current life style?
13. What is your first thought about sweets?
14. Do you think sweet are good for health?
15. Do you think sweets are necessary for you?
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